Countess Christabelle Redux

I while back I re-painted a part of this piece I had finished years ago; only this week did I get around to photographing it with a better camera... 11x14" oil on canvas. Christabelle, Countess of Veron (1612 - 1667) Second daughter to the 3rd Duke of Mollawray. Like her sister, Lexia the Marquise of… Continue reading Countess Christabelle Redux

New Portrait: Elizabetta the II

8x10" oil on panel... Elizabetta the II (1580 - 1639) After the death of her older brother , the 2nd Baron Einar of Moravic, her newly titled family line had seemed to be near extinction before it had begun. It fell unto Elizabetta to carry on their now affluent and demanding way of life by… Continue reading New Portrait: Elizabetta the II

I don’t do Victorian!

I'm becoming convinced that most Americans simply do not know any other label for centuries, periods,and eras past other than "Victorian". Once and a while they refer to Georgian era, or Rococo, dress and decor as "Marie Antoinette-looking". Now I've only become nutty about costume/decor history in the past decade, but you would still think… Continue reading I don’t do Victorian!